Hi, I am

Veronica Pirlea

Front-End Developer

AI generated profile picture of Veronica Pirlea


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Personal pages featuring my passions
A screenshot of the customized weather app
People who can code always fascinated me. The former me thought that only naturally gifted people could have the skill until I found SheCodes workshops. When you take the courses, you realize that it takes a thoughtful teaching style, not over-engineered explanations, and a chance to practice what you learn to enable you to fulfill your coding dream. Now, I am fascinated by what I can create, and coding has become one of my passions. So, I want to share my creations with you!
Check my coding projects
My love for marketing started at the university lecture halls. And specifically in the Consumer Behavior class. It is very captivating to learn how, for example, music, colors, packaging, smell, sounds, etc., influence buying behavior. And it's even more fascinating to discover that marketing is more than persuading people to buy things they don't need. It's about making people aware of existing solutions in the form of products/services to their potential problems. So, this knowledge influenced me to build my career in this field, and while I am at the beginning, I am very much looking forward to continue growing and bringing value!
Check my marketing journey
Image displaying the marketing work journey of Veronica Pirlea
A photo of the dog in the nature
I love to travel, especially to the places where the nature is mesmerizing. It gives me euphoric feelings, and it makes me feel alive. And I store these feelings in photography. So, for me, photography is more than just taking pictures. It's about capturing in time my most cherished moments.
Check my photo gallery
This website was coded by Veronica Pirlea, and is open-sourced